A communication revolution
Simply put, Causeway one.network's Traffic Management module has revolutionised the planning and communication of traffic management in the UK.
This deceptively simple tool, used by over 80 highway authorities in the UK, enables users to plan, coordinate, digitise and disseminate information about road closures, diversions and other temporary traffic interventions. It is used by the majority of highway authorities across England and has become the universal standard for communicating planned disruptions to road users and highway industry stakeholders.
Before we introduced our solution into the market road closures orders were often confined to a paper exercise, the public being notified via adverts in local newspapers. Traffic Management module enables highway authorities to communicate accurate information via a range of channels including the Causeway one.network map, social media and direct syndication to major sat-nav services (see Live Link here).
Multi-agency coordination
The clear communication of diversion routes and other traffic management measures is a central principle of the legislation that governs streetworks, especially with the introduction of Permit Schemes. Consequently Traffic Management module is an essential part of the toolkit for any permitting authority, underpinning coordination and cooperation across the streetworks industry.

Features and benefits
- Communicate planned disruptions to road users via the one.network map, social media and major sat-nav services.
- Plan and publish all types of traffic management intervention for roadworks, public events and incidents.
- Meet Permit Scheme coordination requirements and facilitate co-operation and collaboration.
- Reduce call centre costs through self-service of enquiries.
- Realise efficiency savings by automatically generating Temporary Traffic regulation Orders (TTROs).
- Keep stakeholders up-to-date through automatic email alerts.
If you would like to know more about the one.network Traffic Management module and arrange a demo please contact us.


Related modules

Live Link
Transmit live road closure updates to sat-navs using one.network's world-leading technology.

Traffic management planning and communication for major events.

Produce traffic management and signage plans quickly and simply.