The lead up to the Coronation of Charles III has seen councils across the UK busily working to support residents by planning and organising the road closures necessary for resident street parties. It’s a process which requires seamless coordination to ensure disruption for the rest of the traveling public is kept to a minimum.

West Sussex County Council
West Sussex County Council, for example, has received over 200 applications. Each of these has been submitted by public individuals and then forwarded on by district boroughs. Now, Laura Faith, Events Network Permit Officer, leads efforts to review and coordinate applications, ensuring approved closures are communicated back to the district boroughs, local stakeholders, including the general public. is playing a vital role in helping this happen.
For each application, Laura has used to identify any potential conflicts, including clashes with bus routes and hospital entrances, as well as to determine any requests for A road closures which would have too great an impact on the network.
Once this has been assessed, Laura has created and published iach closure on the map via our Traffic Management module, alongside accompanying documentation, which is then freely visible to the public. These are displayed as ‘Royal Events’ on the map to help people easily distinguish these closures in comparison to regular planned road maintenance activity.
After the final order has been sealed, Laura then uses to set up automatic email alerts that notify all key stakeholders and help ensure awareness.
To ensure the public is kept informed, Laura ensures all residents receive public notices in advance which link directly to the permits where they can view the details of the closures on the user-friendly map.
Previously, without, this would have been a far more manual process, requiring manual list building of key stakeholders and multiple communication chains to make sure everybody who needed to be aware was kept up to date.
Laura told us: “It would be a nightmare trying to do this without”
Easy and efficient coordination
helping simplify closure planning and coordination.
Effective communication with the public and key stakeholders
via the intuitive, easy-to-read map.
Reduction in public enquires and improved citizen engagement
by enabling simple self-serving.
" has been a great tool to help us enable communities to celebrate the King’s Coronation. It’s giving us the ability to plan and communicate all the street parties to the public and key stakeholders on an intuitive, easy-to-read map, and as a result, reducing the number of inbound queries we’re receiving."
BCP Council
BCP Council
Similarly, the Traffic team at Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP) are hard at work using to coordinate and process their street party closures for the Coronation. With a population pushing half a million, the team have also received over 200 applications across the council area.
Andrew Brown, Traffic Team Leader, and his colleague Daniel Parsons, have together used to check crucial factors that impact approval of these closures, such as NSG information, road classification, accessibility, effect on local businesses and any clashes with planned road or street works.
Another important consideration has been the potential impact on the network around the Bournemouth Vitality Stadium. With an AFC Bournemouth vs Chelsea match scheduled on the 6th of May – the same date as the Coronation – requests for street party road closures in the surrounding area have had to be carefully considered and alternative arrangements and adjustments put in place, to ensure limited disruption.
BCP has also noted how using has helped improve, not only citizen engagement in the lead up to the Coronation, but also communication with businesses. Local supermarkets can now access a clear view of the closures in and around Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, helping them to plan their deliveries and make sure customers receive their orders.
Both West Sussex and BCP Council have found the automated email alerts functionality to be instrumental in helping them notify the public, as well as all parish and town councils, of the street party road closures. BCP has even reported a significant reduction in the number of inbound queries they’ve received from the public and local councillors.
Overall, for both councils, plus the many others across the UK planning street party closures for the Coronation, the platform has enabled a simpler, much more efficient and effective process.
If you’re a Traffic Management customer and would like some guidance on plotting street parties on the map with our Royal Event layer, please contact your Customer Success Manager or email
Or, if you’re interested to learn more Traffic Management, the wider platform or any of its capabilities, please get in touch.