Product Releases

Keep up to date with the latest product developments.

Product Release 27th June 2024

This June, we are excited to be releasing some enhancements for our Route Manager solution, alongside a minor adjustment to our Traffic Management and Plan Share solutions that lays the groundwork for a major D-TRO-related update later this year.

Product Release 16th May 2024

This May, we’re bringing you a big update that will transform how you choose to view information on our map. We’ve also made some small improvements and additions to our Traffic Management, Live Link and Plan Share modules. 

Product Release 4th April 2024

For April, we’re bringing you some exciting updates for our Works Planning tool, plus a new ‘Full Geometries’ data layer and improvements to the map.

Product Release 22nd Feb 2024

In this release, we bring you exciting enhancements for our Traffic Management and Live Link modules, plus our Works Planning tool and API, making your experience with even more seamless and efficient. 

Product Release 11th January 2024

In this release, we're introducing two new user-requested features to help support your environmental initiatives, plus some improvements for Plan Share, Traffic Management and the map. 

Product Release 4th Dec 2023

As we approach the close of 2023, we are excited to unveil our final release of the year: Automatic Diversion Routes (ADR) - a new intelligent diversion planning engine for our Traffic Management module.