
Plan roadworks and events to minimise the impact on road users.

Causeway has a range of tools to support planning of roadworks, traffic management, public events in the highway and incident response, all delivered through our multi-agency collaboration platform.

Our suite of planning modules reduce the cost of failure, with comprehensive visibility of all the data needed to plan activities and automated intelligence such as clash detection and coordination dashboards.

Plan Modules

Traffic Management

Market leading traffic management planning and communication tool.

Clash & Coordination

Clash detection and collaboration to coordinate works and protect routes.

Works Planning

Map based planning tool to reduce aborted works and other planning failures.

Route Manager

Tool to define and manage bus routes, key route networks and other routes with the platform.


Produce traffic management and signage plans quickly and simply.

Plan Share

Digital submission and approval of TM plans and TTROs.

Map Layers & Integrations supports a wide range of map integrations and layers.