Who do I contact for more information about the roadwork?
All enquiries should be sent through to the organisation responsible for the work.
This is displayed on the works information panel, located at the top underneath the heading ‘Responsibility for these works’.
Click on the organisation name to be taken directly to their corporate website.
I have forgotten my password, how do I retrieve this?
Please click on the 'Forgot your password?' link in the panel on the right hand side of the map. This is under the orange Sign in button. Follow the step-by-step instructions from there.
How do I get a username and password?
Click on the Sign up link in the panel to the right hand side of the map. This is under the orange sign in button to the right hand side. Follow the step-by-step instructions from there
Who do I contact for more information about the Causeway one.network website in general?
For all enquiries not related to specific works, please complete the Contact Us form here.
How can I find out information about past roadworks?
We can provide information on past roadworks with the Historical Map view. Click here for more information or Contact Us to find out how to subscribe to this service.
I want to know about what works are happening in the future?
You can change the date and time options above the search bar in the top right corner of the map.
Click on the option ‘Today’ and change the view to ‘Next two weeks’, ‘Next three months’ or ‘Next twelve months’.
If you are looking to view works happening on a specific date or date range use the calendar option located on right side of the search bar.
How do I set-up an email alert?
Email alerts can be set-up once you have signed-in to Causeway one.network. Click on your profile icon, select the Alerts option and complete the information for your preferences. Once done, click the Set Alert button.
What information will I get on my email alert?
Email alerts provide information about works commencing within the selected frequency.
Daily alerts will provide information for works commencing tomorrow.
Weekly alerts will provide information for works commencing in the following week.
Monthly alerts will provide information for works commencing in the following month.
Where does the data on Causeway one.network come from?
The information displayed within each works information panel is provided by the organisation displayed at the bottom of the works information panel.
For more detail about the works, you will need to contact the organisation responsible for the works.
Can I amend an email alert once it has been set-up?
Unfortunately, once an email alert has been set up it is not possible to amend the alert. This includes the location and email alert address it has been set up under.
A new alert will need to be set up with your preferred parameters. You can unsubscribe from the old email alert by scrolling to the bottom of an alert and selecting ‘Unsubscribe’.
How do I unsubscribe from an email alert?
You can unsubscribe from an email alert by scrolling to the bottom of the email alert and selecting ‘Unsubscribe’.
Where does data for the live traffic come from?
The data for live traffic is from Google, which is then displayed as its own layer on Causeway one.network.
We do not have any control over this data, including the road closure symbols.
I am viewing Causeway one.network on my mobile/tablet, why do I see blue triangles with question marks?
Local Authorities that do not subscribe to Causeway one.network Premium do not have the ability to display their works on mobile devices.
To view the information available within these areas you will need to access Causeway one.network on a desktop or laptop.
I've noticed Road Closures and Diversion routes displayed in some areas. There is work happening in my area but why is there no information on Causeway one.network?
Closures and Diversions are displayed on Causeway one.network by subscribers to Causeway one.network Premuim.
find out what information your Local Authority is displaying, please view our Data Matrix
How can I find out what information my Local Authority is displaying on Causeway one.network?
Our Data Matrix details what data Local Authorities are displaying.
How often is the information updated on Causeway one.network?
The data is updated between 5 and 30 minutes as agreed between the data provider and Elgin.
View the data matrix here for more information about the data on Causeway one.network.
Where does the information on the map come from?
All information is extracted directly from the streetworks registers of Local and National Highway Authorities, Utility Companies or TFL.
The Data source is displayed at the bottom of the works information panel.
There is work being done, but it is not displayed on the map - who do I contact?
As all information is the responsibility of the Highway Authority, if a work is missing which you believe should be displayed on the map, please contact the Local Authority first.
If the work is genuinely missing, the Local Authority will contact us directly to resolve the display issue.