05 November 2021
10 years of one.network
Celebrating 10 years of one.network!

This week we’re celebrating one.network’s 10 year anniversary! It is a moment of pride for me as founder to look back on a decade of transformation, but also of profound humility — everything we have achieved has been due to the inspiration and hard work of the team I have been lucky enough to work with over the years.
Here are some milestones that stand out for me.
roadworks.org launched — a website where every highway authority can publish their roadworks for all to see — putting an entire industry on the map, and on the web.
2013 saw the launch of Traffic Management module — for the first time road closures are planned and shared digitally, transforming communication of road disruptions.
As our platform scaled to handle data from most road agencies across the UK, we opened our technology office in the beautiful city of Lisbon.
We launched Traffic Insights — real-time traffic intelligence for every road agency, harnessing the power of dynamic vehicle data and dispensing with expensive roadside hardware.
With new backing from blue chip private equity house Bridgepoint we launched the world’s first app enabling instant updates from road workers to all major sat-nav services, improving millions of journeys.
We relaunched our platform as one.network — reflecting the reality for our tens of thousands of operational users and millions of public users: one seamless road network spanning multiple jurisdictions.
one.network evolved to meet the demands of Covid and changes in mobility, enabling road agencies to rapidly facilitate active travel, new types of road user and the coming age of connected vehicles.
We launched one.network in the US where road agencies see many of the same challenges. We are just commencing our first customer trials and expect to have the same transformational impact as we have in our home market.
We are investing for the future and will be launching a range of innovative solutions to help authorities in the UK and US meet the challenges of dynamic network management, connected and autonomous vehicles and net zero.
James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network