13 February 2020
Morrison Utility Services & one.network are winners of IGEM Lions' Lair 2020
We are very proud that the Virtual Trial-Hole Assistant software, a collaboration project between Morrison Utility Services (MUS) and one.network has won the Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM) Lions' Lair 2020.
Tags: morrision utility servicesclash and coordinationawardIGEMcollaboration
Virtual Trial-Hole Assistant (VTA) is based on one.network's Clash & Coordination module. It utilises the one.network platform, displaying comprehensive information about current and planned streetworks, along with relevant operational data including lane rental scheme networks, Section 58 restrictions, bridges & structures, public transport stops routes, etc.
By integrating ESRI mapping data, the platform allows MUS asset information to be overlaid as an additional layer. Automated clash detection provides an overview of where and when works are taking place and an integrated alerts system notifies planners of any third party or statutory undertaker work scheduled to take place above or near underground assets owned by MUS clients.
This solution is reducing the number of aborted jobs and costly delays which can result from concurrent excavation works due to digging on wrongly located mains, but also increases the opportunity for works undertakers to collaborate using the same excavation, further reducing occupation on the road network and potentially reducing permitting costs.
MUS Head of Operational Change, James Hatt, commented
“Previous working methods have meant that ten to fifteen per cent of replacement schemes were deferred or delayed as the location of existing asset beneath the ground did not tally with the plans provided. The resulting delays can have a significant impact in terms of aborts, re-plans, overruns, temporary reinstatements, traffic management compliance failures and FPNs. All of which affects operational timescales and can have significant financial implications.”
“So many potential benefits can be reaped from VTA. It will enable our operational teams to conduct more comprehensive risk assessments and offer a more environmentally-friendly way of working, which is a huge consideration for our organisation and the clients we work on behalf of.”
Please contact us for futher information.