14 January 2019
Welsh Government adopts Elgin traffic disruptions solution
The Welsh Government has adopted the Elgin roadworks.pro traffic disruptions solution, which significantly improves the planning, monitoring and communication of road and street works across the entire nation – covering motorways, trunk routes and local roads.

Traffic Wales embedded map
Tags: Traffic WalesWelsh Governmenttraffic managementTraffic Management AppReal-Time MapReal-Time Trafficroadworks.orgroadworks.pro
The Welsh Government is responsible for 75 miles of motorway and over 1000 miles of trunk road in Wales and works alongside the Principality’s 22 Local Highways Authorities to minimise disruption throughout the national network.
Integrating a view of the strategic network and local roads is an essential part of coordination and traffic management. Welsh Government's aim is to manage roadworks, events and other disruptions in a way that minimises delay to road users, while facilitating essential maintenance and improvement work to services and infrastructure on which the Welsh economy and local communities rely.
Welsh Government has embedded the free-to-view roadworks.org map into its new Traffic Wales website, where users can see current and planned works, road closures and diversion, live incidents and public event information. The information is available in both Welsh and English languages at traffic.wales and traffig.cymru.
In the Traffic Wales control room a suite of map-based tools provide officers with live information on delays caused by roadworks and other traffic interventions, while operators on site at the side of the road are able to send live updates on road closures to sat-nav services, ensuring the drivers can choose quickest routes to minimise their journey times.
A Traffic Wales spokesperson commented,
“It was critical for us to be able to take data from our Local Authorities, from our strategic network, and data from our cameras and physical monitoring infrastructure and combine these data sources with the latest real-time updates available from mobile phones and in-car navigation systems. But that itself is not enough: it has to be displayed on an easy to use map interface, and for us to be able to control its syndication to the widest possible audience. This is what the Elgin roadworks.pro suite enables us to do".
roadworks.pro is a secure, cloud-based, integrated operational toolkit to simplify network planning, management and communication. The suite includes,
Traffic management planning - quick and easy preparation of high level or fully detailed traffic management plans such as road closures and diversion routes with instant communication of plans to external and internal Welsh Government stakeholder groups and to the public.
Enhanced communication of roadworks - works schedule information held in its own Streetworks system can be described in public-friendly terms with enhanced detail, emphasising the positive investment the Welsh Government is making in the strategic network.
Live traffic monitoring: real-time monitoring tool giving up-to-the-minute information across motorways, trunk roads and local A roads about traffic jams – including their root cause (roadworks, incident, etc.) – current traffic speed, queuing times, etc.
Real-time sat-nav updates: ability to update sat-nav services with live road closure information, enabling instant communication of closed or reopened roads with tens of thousands of motorists.
About the Welsh Government Road Network
The Welsh Government is responsible for 75 miles of motorway and over 1000 miles of trunk road in Wales. Roadworks and street works are essential to enable the road network and the services within it to be maintained and improved. It aims to manage road and streetworks in a way that minimises delay the travelling public and businesses, while facilitating essential maintenance and improvement work to services and infrastructure on which the economy and communities rely. For more information, visit the Welsh Government website.
About Elgin
Elgin is the home of roadworks.org – the local and national communications hub for live and planned roadworks, road closures and traffic disruptions. Using roadworks.org on a daily basis, traffic management and Streetworks professionals plan their works more efficiently, reduce costs and communicate disruptions effectively to road users, businesses and residents.
Elgin - Making roads work. Plan, manage, communicate better
For more information, please contact us.