Network management, roadworks enforcement and incident response
With Network Monitor every user has the power of a traffic control centre at their fingertips.
Network Monitor sits at the heart of our Traffic Insight product suite, harnessing real-time traffic data from TomTom to provide a “map dashboard” of issues on the road network. It eliminates the noise from the Causeway map, enabling users to focus on things that are causing a significant or unusual impact on traffic.
The Network Monitor map shows severe and non-typical congestion. It correlates traffic hotspots with known disruptions, highlighting issues caused by roadworks, events and incidents, enabling operators to identify the cause of congestion, mobilise response strategies and communicate live updates to road users.
Use cases
Network Monitor is a smart decision support tool for traffic control centres, streetworks professionals and public event organisers.
- Network management teams can monitor traffic hotspots and relate them to their root cause, supporting tactical response strategies.
- Streetworks inspectors can monitor performance of traffic management around roadworks and use Network Monitor as evidence to support enforcement measures.
- Event management teams can monitor the local impact of road closures and diversions throughout the event, making tactical traffic management changes as required.
- Incident response teams can understand the live impact on traffic and communicate updates to the public.

Features and benefits
- Real-time map highlighting severe and non-typical congestion, tracking average speed, delay times and queue lengths around individual roadworks and incidents.
- Common operational view incorporating live feeds such as CCTV, VMS, car park occupancy and air quality.
- The map is updated every 2 minutes with live traffic data from TomTom and real-time traffic management data from the platform.
- Full coverage of all road classes down to A roads and major B roads.
- Hardware-free solution: no costly reliance on ANPR or Bluetooth.
If you would like to know more about Network Monitor and arrange a demo please contact us.


Related modules

Route Monitor
Real-time monitoring and alerts for key routes and major works.

Live Link
Transmit live road closure updates to sat-navs using's world-leading technology.

Traffic Management
Market leading traffic management planning and communication tool.