A unique national data resource
Causeway one.network data spans the strategic and local road networks for the whole of Great Britain, bringing together data from over 300 public authorities and a similar number of utility companies and public events organisers.
Our aggregated dataset is unique, incorporating a national archive of historic roadworks, currently active disruptions including roadworks, incidents and public events, through to planned disruption information giving advanced notice of roadworks up to 3 months in the future.
Our Roadworks and Traffic Disruptions API provides access to current and planned roadworks, incidents, public events and temporary traffic management such as road closures, diversion routes, lane closures, etc.
The data conforms to the DATEX-II specification. Other delivery formats such as CIFS are available.
Data categories
- Live Incidents. Real-time information about major traffic disruptions on the strategic road network.
- Roadworks. Information about all current and planned roadworks on all roads.
- Traffic Management. Information about traffic management interventions such as road closures, diversion routes, contraflows, etc.
If you would like to know more about the one.network Data Cloud and our range of data APIs, please contact us.


Related modules

Output data from the one.network traffic disruption database.

one.network Historical Map
Roadworks and traffic interventions searchable over the past 10 years.

Traffic Replay
Visualisation of historical traffic patterns to support better planning.