30 March 2023
Providing an easier works start stop experience via one.network

The new street works legislation change issued by the Department for Transport will soon make works start and stop notices mandatory for all highway authority and utility road and street works.
Previously, where only utility organisations were required to issue work start or stop notices, now all highway authority and utility road and street works will require start and stop notices within two hours of the works beginning and ending. Additionally, while this was always essential for utility street works during weekdays, it will now also be mandatory for both highway authorities and utilities to issue work start and stop notices on weekends and bank holidays.
This is a significant regulatory change but an important one. Not only will this change in regulation help improve the accuracy of street and road works information, but it will also optimise the use of the road space and enable smarter, more informed journeys.
Helping to improve the visibility and accuracy of works information is at the very heart of what we do here at one.network and so, we wanted to remind all our Essentials* highway authority customers and Pro** utility customers that we can enable our Street Manager Works Start/Stop integration for your organisation, free of charge.
This integration enables users to easily start and stop works directly from within the one.network platform and syncs this information up with Street Manager automatically. This will allow specified users a quick and straightforward way to start and stop works from within the same system where the works were planned.
Using one.network to start and stop works will also provide you with a full audit trail including the specific users who issued the notices. We can even configure user permissions to assign start stop abilities to chosen individual users and provide you with one.network logins which are restricted to start stop capabilities only – meaning these users will not have the power to edit traffic management plans or change anything else on the platform.
All permitted users will then be able to start and stop works from their desktop, mobile or tablet via one.network, wherever they are.
If you’re interested in setting up this integration for your organisation, please get in touch via this contact form.
*Essentials customers are highway authorities who subscribe to the one.network map, as well as our Traffic Management and Historical Map modules.
**Pro (or Professional) customers are utility or contractor organisations who subscribe to the one.network map, as well as our Historical Map module.