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Strictly Highways 2024

01 October 2024

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27 May 2020

JAG(UK) and one.network team up to support Local Authorities implement local transport restart plans

A letter sent from Emma Ward, DfT’s Director General of Roads, Places and Environment, to highway authorities on 12th May set out a radical “local transport restart” agenda for getting the country

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27 April 2020

Protect hospital access routes with one.network

Keeping emergency access routes clear ensures emergency vehicles can get patients to hospital on time, critical supplies of PPE can be delivered without delay and key workers can get to and from wo

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17 March 2020

How can one.network help with Coronavirus pressures?

We have a powerful and widely used communication channel with the public, including privileged relationships with consumer map and navigation providers such as Google, Waze and TomTom.

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19 February 2020

Flood risk warnings and communication on one.network

Over 90 flood warnings have been have communicated today on one.network across 15 Highway Authorities, improving awareness for emergency services

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