Latest News
27 November 2019
Winners! - Street Works UK 2019 Innovation Award
Truly understanding the environment around the works site before arriving is one of the toughest challenges in street works.
10 October 2019, Ringway and Ringway Jacobs are Highways Award winners!
Demonstrating that together we are making a significant improvement to the highways industry through the implementation of new technology, we have been acknowledged for delivering live road closure
21 September 2019 is live!
This change reflects the much broader range of information that we communicate, from road closures and diversion routes, to public events and incidents – in fact anything that has the potential to
02 July 2019
Elgin appointed to G-Cloud 11
The latest iteration of G-Cloud launched on 2 July 2019 with Elgin offering a range of services in the Cloud Software lot, including